Find My Camp Spot
Tag: [FmCP] Fans: 0 Created: 2013-01-05

Platoon Presentation

Can You Find Our Camp Spot?

♦Rules to Follow on the Battlefield
1. Please wear the TAG [FmCP] at all times. No TAG=KICK, shows your loyalty to the platoon.
2. Mic is optional!!!! If you can get a mic you are able to play as a friend until you do, but you will not be accepted until you have a mic.
3. No DISRESPECT to any player
4. No Jet Ramming or Chopper Ramming & NO TBAGGING we DO NOT play dirty
5. MUST be 2 [FmCP] Members or Friends in a squad. This will help from someone being left without a spawn point. Only time this is not in effect is on Conquest with 50 less tickets.
6. Be active on Battlelog to keep track of new updates.
7. Not Required to be on 24/7. We do understand there is life outside of Battlefield. We do need you to play with us every once in a while.
8. Must be at least 17 years of age.

♦ Server Rules
1. No Spawn Trapping, Stealing Vehicles or Base Raping
2. No Glitching, Hacking or Boosting
3. No Jet Ramming

♦ Competitive Team Requirements
1. K/D Ratio 1.00+
2. SPM of 400+
3. Must be able to practice with other members a lot before a battle or play at least 15 hours a week.

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