Team Awesome
Tag: [WIN] Fans: 19 Created: 2012-09-30

Platoon Presentation

Greetings & salutations!

You may have seen our members on one of your favourite Metro servers, and you've probably noticed that we're usually on the winning team. Unlike most players, our primary goal is to change the course of a round to our advantage and to allow our team to score a win through mutual cooperation. Our secondary goal is to grief the enemy, it's core players and to make them realize that our presence on the server will result in a win for our team due to our tactical and logistical advantage, but also through superior team work. We will win at all costs!

More often than not, we're accused of being cheaters, glitchers, hackers and griefers. While the fact that we are griefers is true, everything else isn't and we pride ourselves in the fact that we are all currently legit players, with real skill, even if our stat's show otherwise. Each and every member contributes something to the collective and we've been known to weed out players who don't work well with us, have no heart in playing the objective or communicating with us. With that said, communication is our biggest advantage, and we pride ourselves in the fact that we always relay important information to each other. This allows us to respond to any situation, at any time, in a prompt and organized manner.

Our members are active BF3 players who come from many different clans, are usually the ones who excel at squad or team work and at playing the objective, while maintaining a strong position on the leader board. Our eyes are ever present for the best of the best players, be they friend or foe, but as long as their game play style and personality is in tune with ours, we're willing to give them a chance at being awesome with us and we continue to test players without them even knowing that we're doing it. We enjoy being offensive players who exhibit no fear, love to knife and enjoy giving a good reach around after we've blitzed the enemy into submission. We show no mercy as we don't expect any to be shown to us and we hate campers, but love their tags and we're coming for your tags if we haven't already taken them.

We have a battle cry, "WE WIN!", which we use during most games to antagonize the enemy and demoralize them. It works wonders and we usually laugh at the enemies reaction, while slurping up the tears of their anger and frustration.

- Visit our website @

- We also have a private Facebook group for our members, as we consider ourselves friends instead of random players.

- The Management

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