Sons of Armageddon 2
Tag: [SOA2] Fans: 17 Created: 2012-12-17

Platoon Presentation

(I) Sons of Armageddon is a newer clan made up of the remaining members of Bravo Force 86, we are looking for team playing, dedicated, semi mature members.

(II) NOTE: We have a server and everything all set up so we can do anything we want to do on it.

(III) THE CLAN TAG- granted it doesn't mean everything to me i would like everyone to wear it if you are in another clan and support that tag that's cool. I mean if you don't wear you will not be considered for a leader spot or an admin spot no even on my radar as far as those positions go. Clan battles everyone is on my radar and to play in a clan battle you have to wear the tags no exceptions. (If you are a regular SOA tag wearer and you want to switch it to be in a battle or something like that please let me know so i know everything is cool and we don't have any issues.

(IV) Here is our Ranking System (NOTE: just because your rank ahead of somebody doesn't mean your in charge of the people below you.)

(1.) SOAe/SOA/SOA2 Founder/Leader

(2.) SOAe/SOA Admin (SOA2 clanmates are not Admins they have to prove themselves and rank up first)

(3.) SOAe member

(4.) SOA member

(5.) SOA2 members/Backups (NOT NEWBIES)

(6.) SOA2 new recruit (trial period from 3-14 days)

(V) Requirements/stuff to keep in mind are/other stuff that i don't know what to categorize it under.

(1.) Mic absolutely no exeptions mics are the key to victory

(2.) be a good player this means 1.0 kd or higher if you don't meet that that's fine play a lot and get better you will be still able to join if you are really good i stay off your back if you aren't as good and you never play there isn't much i can do with you

(3.) team player (KD isn't king teamwork is king you get team work down i promise you the KD will come too. (My KD used to be a 1.07 but when SOA came to be now it's a 1.7 and up definetly a good bump from playing with good team playing people.

(4.) semi mature (it's okay to joke around and have fun but when it's time to get serious it's time to get serious (ON/OFF Switch)

(5.) be active at least 1 day a week (IF POSSIBLE)/3 days if you are a leader/admin
(6.) 16years or older
(all players under 16 will be grandfathered in or if your super good/cool you can be in as well we just want to keep the singing irritating little kids away as long as your semi mature your all good.)

(7.) Disrespect is NOT TOLERATED (Don't be a bitch and expect to stay that's all i gotta say )

(8.) Listen and watch how we play so when we get in a battle we don't look like a bunch of monkeys trying to hump a doorknob.)

(9.) if you have an issue don't let it simmer until it becomes a problem if you have a issue with something bring it to my attention or another leaders attention if it is a clan issue or if it is with someone talk it out don't get pissed off and just leave try to work it out first.

(10.) Try to add everyone in the clan on your friends list i knows it's hard try to get a decent amount of the clan on your friends list.


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