the best at kickin ASS
Tag: [MrDr] Web: Official website Fans: 3 Created: 2012-03-28

Platoon Presentation

THE only way you can join is if you are really good and if we like the way you play. We don't like the cod way of play (the one man army type) this is a team game and a team clan. And if you don't like it well then you can suck it.
This platoon is a group of people who play this game seriously but are not the type who go raging out over it we also play to just play and have fun.
You must have a Mic
You must have at lease have the back to karcan map pack. We play more conquest then the others but we do play rush som
You must be lvel 40 or higher unless we like the way you play. If you make it you must change your tag to MrDr.

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