Battalion 429
Tag: [429] Fans: 5 Created: 2012-01-20

Platoon Presentation

This is a group of friends and their friends playing Battlefield 3 together. We like to play as a team and so we promote team play since that is how we believe the game should be played. Btn.429 exists since the launch of Battlefield 3 and previously had the name 'Intergalactic Planetary'. We hope to find more good players who are interested in having fun.

Q. How do I join?
A. Just click the orange button on the top right, you will be approved ASAP by one of the leaders.

Q. What do you mean by 'Teamplay'?
A. Teamplay means that we play servers together if possible and in the game we work as a team, sticking together, and gaming together as a team. Not each on their own at different parts of the map.

Q. Is this a clan?
A. No- this is a group of friends and their friends. We want to play and have fun, and get to know more good players, without the fuss of clan ranks, matches, events and training sessions.

Q. What if my stats are really bad? Will you still accept me?
A. Yes.

Q. What if I am in another platoon?
A. Yes, you will still be accepted into BTN.429.

Q. Do I have to wear your tag?
A. Not really, its upto you. And so is tagging this group as your 'representing' platoon. Its optional.

Q. Do you have a teamspeak server?
A. No, we mostly use Skype right now.

Q. Are you all from israel?
A. No, we are an international platoon.

Battlefield D-Charts and comparison:

Platoon feed

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