United European Forces
Tag: [UEF] Web: Official website Fans: 28 Created: 2011-11-06

Platoon Presentation

United European Forces Veteran Clan

This is main clan only available for Battlefield 2 (1.0v) players who fought / fights in -UEF- clan servers.

OFFICIAL WEBSITE - http://www.uef-clan.eu/

• Be at the top 50 in our statspage
• Spend 100+ hours playtime in our servers.

The -UEF- clan was founded in December 2006 by 5 active players and server owners. They met each other in a clan called =WWW= were they became friends. They had good times with the clan but decided to form their own clan with their own rules, thus the creation of -UEF-. Nowadays the -UEF- clan is the oldest BF2 clan in version 1.0, most members have been playing together since the release of BF2 in 2005. We pride ourselves on being strong, loyal and respectful to other players. The -UEF- clan is always recruiting members, read "How to join" in our forums for more info. We like to teach tactics and tricks to our new members and train them until they can stand up against best players of BF2.

At the moment the clan is active in Battlefield 2 version 1.0.2442.0 and running several servers. All servers are free for all to play, if you play by the server rules, which you can read on the forum. The servers play two rounds, to give you a chance to play on both teams. The map is changed after the two rounds. If you want to play another map just vote for it and if the vote has enough support the map will change. Try to keep the teams balanced and fair for all.

We are a respectful clan and when you are playing on our servers we expect you to show the same respect back to clan members and the public. Always listen to the server admins and clan-staff. If you have any problems with the servers or any clan related issues contact them and they will try to solve the problem.

Have fun and play fair!

-UEF-Justas & The United European Forces Clan Staff.

Battlefield 3 platoons:
• Platoon #2 - http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/platoon/2832655391745418211/
Elite clan only available for faithful members (required to use -UEF- tag in front of the name).
• Platoon #3 - http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/platoon/2832655241165723825/
Available for everyone!

Medal of Honor platoon:
• http://battlelog.battlefield.com/mohw/platoons/show/4503603922340639/
Available for everyone!


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