57th Squadron
Tag: [57th] Web: Official website Fans: 28 Created: 2011-10-24

Platoon Presentation

We are recruiting Mature Players. Please apply at 57th.net to join the platoon.

57th Squadron was founded in 1996 by Zahadoom. Originally starting out as a clan in the MechWarrior Series quickly found Dynamix’s Tribes emerging as the premier game for multiplayer online gaming. Starting out in the OGL with over 200 clans listed we were ultimately able to work out way to 8th in the OGL before it ended. In 1997, the 57th merged with the Midnight Squadron, founded by Capm and Tire, a Descent Clan, and the two merged and formed the 57th Midnight Squadron. Zahadoom and Capm, with the help and support of the membership expanded the clans ten-fold through the years spreading their concept of how to have fun and their sense of fair play to others in the online gaming community.

Through the years we have played with young adults and watched them go to college. We have seen members through college finals, writing of their college thesis, suffered through the their personal relationships and a variety of boyfriends and girlfriends. We have seen members marry, have children, divorce, go off to war and perish. Being a member in the 57th Squadron is like having another family.

Being one of the 57th means having a place to call home.

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